What is need of news portal development ?

You need a news portal development as per your need, yes you read it right. If you want to have your own news portal or want to create a good news brand out of it, you are most welcome, because having a news portal will encourage you to put your own news through which you can reach people globally and locally as well and you can convert it into a good business model or a platform that provides value to your audience in the form of content and advertisements. So if you are ready to change your life goals and vision then having a news portal can help in achieving it because of the various advantages of it and you can build your own brands like other big brands in the field of news.

How Newsportalwala will help you build your dream news portal development?

We all have a dream of doing something big and feel proud of, but for dreams come true you have to work for it that is why we are here to little bit ease you process of achieving your dream by providing you the desirable news portal of your choice. We will complete your dream news portal development because:-
  • We have a team of expertise developers.
  • We have an affordable price range.
  • We interact with our clients for understanding their needs and designs.
  • We do not compromise with the price and quality because what you give is what you get.
  • What features Newsportalwala will provide in your News Portal Development?

    Why to choose Newsportal Wala for your
    News Portal Development

    Newsportal wala works with faith and trust for their clients,

    (यह मै कहने के लिए नही कह रहा हु, यही हमारी USP है|)

    and commit to do everything they could do, to provide better experience.
    Beside's that we provide -

    Fully functional Website

    News Porta Wala has state of art knowledge and fruitful experience in developing and launching alluring and eye catchy news portal development.

    Responsive Designs

    Our user-friendly designs will enable the potential readers to navigate Website easily, Fast Loading And Mobile Friendly News Portal Development.

    Easy to Operate

    If you dont have any knowledge regarding websites, then also you can work on our developed News portals without having knowledge of coding.

    Affordable Pricing

    We Gaurantee you to provide you complete professional News Portal development under your budget with best features possible. Your priorities will be considered.

    24x6 Whatsapp Support

    You can contact us at any time on whatsapp for your queries and information. Our Support Staff will attend you except Sunday 🙂

    14x7 Hour Call Support

    You can call us between 10am-8pm Monday to Saturday to discuss your queries or issues or any type of help. We will be Glad to Help You.

    What Technology Will Be Used?

    WordPress is a web publishing platform written in PHP and loaded with several MySQL databases. Features include a template system and a plugin architecture, called “Themes,” which lets you select different plugins to customize your News Portal website. It’s very fast and stable, and used by thousands of webmasters.

    WordPress started as a simple personal site, but over time has evolved into a powerful content management system and blogging platform which is very suitable for online news portal development . Today, millions of people use WordPress websites for everything from product reviews and small blog sites to large, complex websites such as online stores, ecommerce sites, medical sites, blogs, News portals/websites and social networking sites. With the ability to quickly and easily build a customized WordPress site, even small companies can have an established presence on the web. WordPress features such as visual templates, plugins, and themes allow you to quickly and easily create an amazing number of sites.

    A major advantage of using WordPress in news portal development is that it is extremely user-friendly. There are literally hundreds of WordPress plugins available for any topic, allowing you to quickly and easily perform hundreds of functions. For example, some plugins are designed to automatically create new blogs for users, while others are designed to perform extensive research on any given topic. You can also utilize themes to change the look and functionality of your News Portal. While there are literally hundreds of free WordPress themes available for download, there are paid themes available through many third-party WordPress plugin vendors, as well. With these high-quality plugins, you’ll be able to quickly and easily customize your Online News Portal, allowing you to design a professional News website that is easy to use and maintain.

    PHP is a dynamic lightweight, and adaptable programming language most suitable for online news portal development. PHP was initially developed by Danish-American programmer Rasmus Lerdorf during 1994. The original PHP reference implementation was developed by The PHP Group in the open source community. Since its inception, PHP has gained a lot of popularity and wide applications, including web development, database integration, desktop application development, multimedia, web service development, and more. Today, over 70 percent of websites are powered with PHP applications and almost every server on the internet supports the PHP platform.

    Python is a multipurpose, interpreted object-oriented programming language originally designed by Python creator Guido van Rossum. Python is written in C and runs on the Python interpreter, a series of software programs that runs on most computers. Python’s design principle emphasizes code readability along with its prominent use of strong, significant indentation. Additionally, it supports a wide range of optional modules which allow programmers to express their own ideas in a comprehensive way.. which is why it is more convenient and reliable for News Portal Development.

    React ( Best for News Portal Development ) is a powerful free and open-source back-end web development language, originally designed by Facebook. It is now maintained by Facebook and a huge community of web developers and individuals interested in making applications using react. React has a very simple model and layout and is written in JavaScript. You can also combine react elements with HTML to create a more fluid experience, so that you may build something complicated that react allows for, without being stuck with web design constraints. React elements can be combined with modules written in other languages like PHP and Java.
    React works on the notion of components, a fundamental building block of React architecture. Components are reusable building blocks, which allow you to decouple modules from one another and then use these reusable building blocks to create reusable views, services, and functions. The basic idea behind react is that you can create a simple component, define its behavior, and then call that component again, defining the expected behavior of that component when that component has been rendered. The benefits of this is that you can decouple the logic of complex, heavyweight pieces of react code from the underlying system, and then call these pieces of code from a much lighter and component-focused API, like a UI library.

    How Newsportalwala will help you in your growth?

    Newsportal wala will not only provide you a professional News Portal but it will assist you to manage it entirely, because we are not in that category of companies who only respects their client's till final payment has been made. We will not provide you a toy in the name of News Portal. We will Guide you to make and publish posts, Place ads, Appoint reporters, change information, We will teach you everything better for your knowledge. We will Assist you to how to upload images, content and videos on your portal in a correct way to reduce page load. And will tell you the techniques and marketing strategies that will be really very helpfull for News Portals Growth.

    Have a Look on Our
    News Portal development Projects

    Our Affordable News Portal Development Packages

    Our Work Process

    Finalizing Domain

    Your identity will be the main key to get you covered online.

    Development and Integrations

    We will design your News Portal layout and complete all integrations.

    Deliver to Customer

    After a small process of review and changes your News Portal will be eligible for authorization.

    Our Team Members

    Authoritatively mesh intuitive paradigms vis-a-vis goal-oriented partnerships. Continually extend
    open-source outside the box thinking after focused catalysts.
    Robert Statham
    Robert Statham
    Web Developer

    Authoritatively engage leading-edge processes tactical capital

    Kely Roy
    Kely Roy
    Lead Designer

    Authoritatively engage leading-edge processes tactical capital

    Gerald Nichols
    Gerald Nichols
    Managing Director

    Authoritatively engage leading-edge processes tactical capital

    Gerald Nichols
    Gerald Nichols
    Team Manager

    Authoritatively engage leading-edge processes tactical capital

    Frequently Asked Queries

    You must have certain question which will be stopping you to click that "Contact Us" button.
    Maybe we cover you here.

    ( अगर आपके मन में इसके बावजूद भी कोई दुविधा है तो कॉल कर लीजिये JIO का जमाना है बस आपको थोडा टाइम निकालना होगा | बिना शर्माए कॉल कीजिये )

    Question regarding News Portal development.

     It is an online news aggregator that helps news enthusiasts ( Reporters, Editors, Anchors ) gather the breaking news from all over the world. What is more, you can choose what kind of news interest you want to receive and what news you do not want.

    Its totaly your call Sir. If you are News publisher, Reporter or Editor of any newspaper or work for any news media company, you can opt News portal development as your second source of income. I tell you Why -


    While technology is having an extraordinary and exceptional growth across the globe, mass media has been given a new shape. Newspapers have gone digital which is very effective as each and every one of them provide e-paper and online news on their website. Digital media has become an vital part of modern social life and a potential challenge to print media. Since, number of people using the Internet is increasing everyday, the challenge will be going high in the upcoming years.
    Online news portals play an crucial role as they provide 24/7 news outlets. They provide readers fast breaking news every minute. Instant growth in mobile and internet technologies and the arrival of smartphones and wireless networks like Wifi and routers, are the main cause that give a big boost to online media.

    Yes, We will provide you full premium video tutorials of your needs to operate News portal. And Assist you with growth strategies and Marketing and in ofcourse maintaining your Website.

    Without Giving load on your pockets we have designed our payment procedure in a way that makes it more convenient and affordable for everyone. We have divided it in 3 parts

    Advance of Rs.2000 Is must for every package.

    Then Remaining amounts 50% is payable when website goes live and remaining 50% when your complete news portal development work has been done. (Note- Logins will only be transferred when your final payment has been made)

    You can contact us at any time on whatsapp for your queries and information. Our Support Staff will attend you except Sunday 🙂

    You can call us between 10am-8pm Monday to Saturday to discuss your queries or issues or any type of help. We will be Glad to Help You.


    Sir, This totally depends on packages you choose. But Mostly we provide fast deliveries to clients for Starter package we take only 2-3 days in delivery. 

     Cost of any web development depends on various factors its design, its hosting and requirements person needs in his News portal. Well, Here in Newsportalwala.com you can start your news portal at just Rs.3999. 🙂

    ( We recommend to proceed with our premium package for best experience and full functional News portal )

    There are many ways you can earn through your News Portal. But let me tell you something very important, the main source of income in News Media is "ADS" whether its Electronic Media and Print Media. They all Earn through advertisements. Your News portal is a Digital Media here you will also earn through ads.

    First and most widely used method of earning is to get Adsense approval, and google will run their ads on your news portal and depending on visitor quanity, you will get paid.

    Second, Local adverstisements. When they will observe your portal is getting ton of visitors everyday, they will approach you to show their business advertisements on your News Portal. Hence you can charge them for that.

    Third, You can earn through sponsorships.

    Fourth, Paid News Coverage- People will pay to cover their news of innaugrations of shop,hospital,schools or any event or ceremony etc etc.

    Starting an online news portal in India is really very simple and affordable process. Currently there is no any requirement to register online news portals with any ministry or department, like there is for newspapers, TV channels and radio channels. You can start off your online news portal like any other website.

    There are several guidelines from the Press Information Bureau like number of subscribers, frequency of updates, percentage of current affairs content, etc., if you are looking for accreditation for the journalists of the online news portal!

    • The general terms and conditions prescribed for the representatives of print and visual media will also be applicable in case of online editors, correspondents, and camerapersons.
    • A news site / portal means a website which has at least 1/3rd of its visible content related to news & current affairs originally reported by its own correspondents
    • The publications on behalf of which accreditation has already been given will accommodate their online journalists within their existing quota.
    • The site should have paid subscribers. However, it should not be insisted on the subscribers right now but some preference will be given to the news sites having subscribers.
    • Online news agencies will be governed as per the existing rules prescribed for news agencies.
    • The site should have minimum annual revenue of either Rs.20 lakhs from its news portions only OR Rs. 2.5 crores from the entire website including its news portion.
    • The site should be updated regularly and at least 6 times daily.
    • The news portal should be observing the laws of the land in terms of content, service, promotions, finances and any other aspect of functioning.
    • The news site should have been functioning for at least one year.
    • The domain name of the site should be registered for at least the next 5 years from the date of application.
    • The site should have at least 10,000 page views per day of its news-portion.
    • The issue of determining the authenticity of the site may be decided in consultation with VSNL in case of any doubt.
    • In the event of a website/portal found involved in any activity perceived as cybercrime now or in future, all accreditations given to representatives of that website/portal will be withdrawn at the discretion of the DG (M&C).

    What Our Client Say
    About News Portal Wala

    Their Faith In Us leads us to create powerful impact on their business and success. We were very happy to work with them and they felt same as well.
    UP Hindi News

    UP Hindi News

    News Portal Founder

    We are very Greatful to get News portal Wala as our News Portal Development Company. We were very unsure at the beginning to go with them, but they consoled us and gave us faith to provide exact requirements and design as we were hoping. Thanx to News Portal Wala. No1 News Portal Development Company.




    Am a Maharashtrian. We came to know about News portal Wala from my friend. He suggested to talk them as I was hoping to Start my own Web media channel. We connected over a call and after talking to them I was confirmed that these guys are perfect for my job. I proceed with them and only within 3 days they handed me my complete website. Even I don't have to ask them for any change. Their work was just smooth and accurate. I recommend News Portal Wala as No1 News Portal Development Company.

    Pradeep Rai

    Pradeep Rai

    Editor and Founder of Azh24x7 News

    न्यूज़ पोर्टल वाला , नाम सुनकर ही ऐसा लगा की कही ये हमारे पैसे तो नही हज़म कर जायेंगे क्योकि ऐसा नाम कोई प्रोफेशनल कंपनी नही रखती है, पर जब मैंने उनसे बात करी तो मुझे पता चला की उनके नाम और काम का क्या प्रभाव है | फिर मैंने उनपर भरोसा करके ये ज़िम्मेदारी उन्हें सौंपीं | उन्होंने मुझे आश्वाशन दिया और मुझे एक बढ़िया न्यूज़ पोर्टल बनाकर मुझे 7 दिन के अन्दर ही सौंप दिया | मै उनके काम से बहुत संतुस्ट हु | मेरे लिए वो बहुत ही अच्छी कंपनी है और अच्छे रेट पर एक कारगर वेबसाइट बनाती है |

    Looking for a excellent News Portal Design?

    Give us a call or drop a message by anytime, we endeavour to answer all enquiries within 24 hours on business days.

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    26- Nathupura, GNO-1, New Delhi, Zip -110084

    Call or Whatsapp Us at -

    +91 83189 81928

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